Dental Anesthesia Consent Form

  • Where you can be reached during the day
  • Anesthetic/Surgical procedures to be performed:
  • It is important to understand that a pre-anesthetic profile does not guarantee the absence of anesthetic complications. It may, however, greatly reduce the risk of complications as well as identify medical conditions that could require medical treatment in the future.

    Our greatest concern is the well-being of your pet. We will perform a physical examination before administering anesthesia. However, disorders of the liver, kidneys or blood, are not detected unless blood testing is done.

    Abnormalities of any of these may increase anesthetic risk. For these reasons we highly recommend pre-anesthetic blood screens.
  • Authorization to Perform Surgical Procedure and/or Treatments

    I, the undersigned owner or owner's agent, of the pet mentioned above the hereby authorize the doctors at Louisburg Veterinary Clinic to perform the above anesthetic and surgical procedure(s) for my pet. I understand that some risk always exists with anesthesia and/or surgery, and that I am encouraged to discuss any concerns about those risks with the attending veterinarian before the procedure(s) is/are initiated.

    **I give my consent to have diseased/broken teeth extracted by the veterinarian. I understand that I will not be called before the extractions are performed.**
  • General Information on CPR

    Consent/Decline Directive for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Release of Legal Liability

    Should, based on the medical judgement of an Animal Diagnostic Veterinarian, my pet require cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) including cardiac compression, positive pressure respiration, emergency drugs, or other heroic interventions, I request or decline that the doctor(s) at Louisburg Veterinary Clinic pursue such medical care as indicated below.
  • Having requested such emergency procedures, I agree to be held responsible for a minimum resuscitation fee of $150.00 to pay for the services performed while staff members pursue treatment and try to reach me for further directions. Regardless of my pet's survival, I agree to pay this fee in addition to the other fees already identified by the practice and agreed upon by me.

    I agree that if the Louisburg Veterinary Clinic staff is unable to reach me within 15 minutes after the initiation of CPR procedures, and after exercising reasonable medical judgment, a veterinarian determines that there appears to be virtually no hope for medical success, the future CPR procedures will cease.

    I have been informed by Louisburg Veterinary Clinic and understand that despite the best efforts of the veterinarian and staff at Louisburg Veterinary Clinic, CPR may not save my pet's life. I also understand that even the most successful CPR that restores my pet's life may not allow my pet to regain his/her normal mental and physical health, and thus may leave him/her as invalid.
  • DO NOT RESUSCITATE MY PET. I have read the above information and release. I agree to the above terms and request that NO CPR BE PERFORMED ON MY PET.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Louisburg Veterinary Hospital

115 N Church St
Louisburg, NC 27549

Call or Text: (919) 496-2638
Fax: (919) 496-2699
Email: [email protected]

Hospital Hours

Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Closed Thursday & Saturday

young kitten